Sunday, January 24, 2010

Well would you look at that?

Look at her body. The first image shows her true figure, and the second, her photo shopped figure. There's a reason publishing companies and photographers photo shop celebrities images. We look at them and see perfection. We look at them and we see elite. With out their perfect bodies, perfect faces, and perfect everything - there would be no line between the rich and famous and the normal every day people. Photo shopped images and photo re-touch ups (no mater how crazy and extreme they get) is just the way it is, keeping the world sane. It gives us either something to aspire to be, or to be more self-aware of our images. It just depends on how the person receives the messages being sent through these kinds of ads and images. You can look at it and say, "Hey, she's beautiful, but she's not real" or you can say, "I wish I was just like her, my body sucks." Personally, the everyday consumer needs to realize when viewing these images, that they are as fake as Pam Anderson's boobs, and that they shouldn't be taken seriously.

As for the new trend of featuring "normal" people in fashion shows, and fashion magazines, I'm glad that someone had enough of the fake, and wanted to expose the world to reality. This is a total confidence booster to those who take glammed up ads personally. As nice as this trend is, I figure that it will only last so long. Or remain the minority compared to the majority of photo-shopped perfected images. People buy magazines, watch movies, and look up to celebrities because of their perfection. Not because they resemble real, ordinary, and everyday.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I'm glad that people in this world have enough courage to come out and show what a real woman looks like; naturally. It makes girls all over the world feel so much better about themselves and realize that they are not ugly, they're real.
