Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tape worms are sexy, smokes get you girls & lard makes you happy.

FAT! FAT! FAT! & ALWAYS STAY THIN! - AD / This ad certainly makes me question the sanity of humans at the time this was published. The message this advertisement gives off to the public (in my opinion) is: "HEY! DON'T BE FAT. IT'S UGLY, BE SKINNY. IT'S SEXY! PUT A TAPE WORM IN YOUR STOMACH, SO YOU CAN EAT ALL YOU WANT AND NOT GAIN A THING! WHO CARE'S IF IT CAN KILL YOU? ATLEAST YOU'LL DIE SEXY!" / How... stupid. This ad honestly makes me embarrassed. The way beauty is being interpreted and how vain and obsessed people can get over their looks makes me believe that during the time this was published many consumers were obsessed with their looks to the point of willing to do anything to claim themselves as beautiful. As extreme as this ad is, and the inference I can make about their perception of beauty, the least I can say is that present-day perceptions of beauty have changed (even if only just a little). We still do believe slim is the "right" body size, but we have also come to realize that everyone has different body types, and we have accepted that. An example of an ad that accepts all body types would be this: LOVEYOURBODYGIRLS

BlOW IN HER FACE, AND SHE'LL FOLLOW YOU ANYWHERE - AD / Stupid. First word that comes to mind is, stupid. Blow in her face, and she'll follow you anywhere? If someone blew smoke in my face, I would raise hell. Honestly, I don't understand what people in this day and age were thinking. I understand the sexism, and the way the ad seems to imply that men are supposed to chase the women, and the women is supposed to be woo'ed. But by smoke being blown into her face? C'mon, ladies of the late 50's please - show a little more class. I guess, at the time smoking was " hot " but honestly. I'm glad that now, in 2010 we have come to realize how "un-hot" smoking really is. We've realized it to the point that most ads for cigarettes have been banned or aren't running anymore and corner stores aren't even allowed to show the cigarette packs when selling them. I applaud how far we have come from then to now.

- AD / Since when.. do doctors smoke? And promote lung cancer? Oh the 1940's - 60's. How odd your ads were, and how many must have died from smoking and tape worms.

THEY'RE HAPPY BECAUSE THEY EAT LARD - AD /HAHAHAH. WHAT?! Okay. First, you talk about tape worms, and now lard? Talk about promoting all types of cancers and diseases. Heart stroke is obviously how you will die from this one. Oh dear, clogged arteries and all.


Clearly, from looking and analyzing these ads - time's have changed. The messages being conveyed in all ads are certainly not positive. Most ads here, don't realize the consequences of promoting products with so much negative impact on the body. Each ad has it's own little disease or life threatening potential. During the time period these ads were published, it seems that consumers were more concerned about their outer look and social status rather than their health and what was skin deep. More recently, ads have started to realize that the media plays a huge part in affecting consumers. The messages conveyed are very influential, and they are trying to spread positive messages. The dove campaign for real beauty takes a new view on the perceptions of beauty, and how it lies skin deep more than anything. Not only does it focus on the outside, and accepting the fact that everyone has a different body type but it also tries to convey the message that it's more inside what counts, and if you shine on the inside, you'll glow on the out. Cigarette ads and the like are no more. They are no where to be seen, in news papers, magazines, or bus ads. Even when being sold in a store, they are hidden by black covers. The packs include all the negative impacts smoking can cause to someones health and includes a picture of what happens from smoking too much. And food ads are all about staying healthy and staying away from fatty and sugary foods. We've come a long way from our past and have come to realize the media mistakes we've made. Applause all around, congratulations generation of the 2000's.

1 comment:

  1. Clever title? Indeedio. I agree with you when it comes to the evolution of advertisements. The ads from the 50's and 60's were completely disgusting, I mean I think I gagged in my mouth just a little when I read them. The messages they were sending were completely inappropriate. They were promoting obesity and lung cancer? Good job generation 50s! Pfft, ridiculous! The ad that has evolved the most over the years was Dove which promoted inner beauty and to accept yourself for who you are. Absolutely brilliant, huh?
