Sunday, January 10, 2010

Video Games are art.

Video games have changed - that's clear enough. How much have they changed? Well, take a look at the CGI of the very first Call Of Duty video game for the Play Station systems:

Now compare this image to the more recent Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2:

The details put into the newest version of this game ,and how far it has evolved in CGI is truly amazing. The evolution of the Call Of Duty line is just a small glimpse at the development of video games. We have to realize, that in our day and age technology will become a big part of our daily lives. Video games for example, have stopped being limited to entertainment purposes for kids and teens. Adults enjoy playing Wii Fit games, and even then would very well enjoy playing a Modern Warfare 2 game. Because technology is so grossly involved into our daily lives now, I think it is actually very benefiting that they've created games that help maintain our heath. We live in the 21st century. Who is really going to go for a nice run in the park, when they could do that comfortably at home virtually on a Wii? These new game genres are clever and suit our new technological and fast passed lifestyles.


  1. ^ LOL.


    Well, video games are obviously art! Yes, "CGI", computer-generated imagery (for those who didn't know) has come quite a long way over the years. I remember when videogames used to be 2-D, side scrolling type of games. It's so much more complicated than left and right and A and B, but still. It's just so much better. Especially with the new motion sensor kind of games, "aka", the Wii. So yes, you're a clever kid.

  2. I agree with you Roma! The games today have changed so much compared to years ago. Time to time, more and more video game technology will be increasing. I still remember when the DS was still popular! and now they have the DS lite? and now the DSI? oh man. But it's very true how people today can have a workout with a very own house-hold wii. lol!

  3. Amen Roma! Technology in the past was not as great than what we have nowadays. The development of our technology has developed so much throughtout the years, that we are now able to create games that bring us more into the game (such as wii fit, and other active games). This also proves how CGI has become even a greater aspect in games. Oh and good use of picture examples for comparing aha.

  4. I agree technology has progressed so far in so little time. 50 years ago who would have guess this would happen. While I agree it's great that people love wii fit. I know I prefer to for a nice run in a park rather that stand in my room during wii fit.

  5. yes, roma athena, i agree with you 100%. Video games have evolved more than pokemon have. (LOLLL) in all honestly, graphics in video games have become one of the best evolutions today because it went from 2-d games to games that look almost 3-d.

    new inventions such as the wii fit also gets people active while being entertained.
