Monday, February 1, 2010

10 pounds? Oh Hell Nah.

After watching that video I wanted to swear off pop for life. It honestly made me physically gag. I say, this kind of scare campaign is effective for a short period of time. The video seriously made me want to call off drinking pop for life for the 32 seconds I was watching it, but come tomorrow I am almost positive I will be drinking some sort of soft drink for lunch. The thing about this kind of campaign that makes it so effective is the fact that they show the facts, and not only do they take the fact, but they also apply it to life, and show you what you are doing to your body with out knowing it.

This kind of campaign makes me want to become a healthier person, for the time I'm watching it. But it doesn't scare me enough to make me want to commit myself to actually sticking to a healthy diet - indulgence is my greatest sin. I think obesity, is not a growing epidemic. Everyone has the right to self - control, and everyone has the ability to use it. I think if there is anything to blame, it's either the large proportions that everyone is being served lately, or the fact that some people just don't have enough self - control to watch how much they eat. Even then, we should also be exercising at least once a week. There's no one to blame but yourself if you're obese and contributing to the growing number of that whole statistic.

As for the tax on chips and pop. If it were to migrate over the border into Canada, I would pay extra money for those foods. Obviously I would not have them on a regular basis, and probably not have them as often as I used too, but I would pay the tax for them from time to time, just because - why deprive myself of a good thing just because the price is raised? As long as I watch how much I eat, and exercise once a week, I'm good.

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